Tuesday, April 13, 2010


2048 4-13-10

Man… what did I actually do today? I felt like I was pretty much was worthless at work today. I mean don’t get me wrong we got an important thing done, but I just really didn’t do anything outside of that.

We did get our questions for our contacts flushed out; hopefully we’ll get some useful info back and be able to start ranking our markets. This is now sitting on our CEO’s desk and awaiting his input. I’ve also been asked to start an English Luncheon once a week on Fridays. So now I have an MBA English Corner and a English Luncheon to run, well I guess that’s something to add to the resume.

Actually most of the day was spent reading the news and talking with Trang. Trang isn’t in China; she’s at UT Austin and is one of my best friend’s recent ex-girlfriend. Yes yes I know what you’re thinking, and the answer is no. I just have very strange relationships with people. Anyways she’s going through a little bit of a rough patch and so basically tried to make her feel better. Have you ever been comforted by me? If you’re reading this I highly doubt it. My way of comforting people is by pouring medical alcohol and salt on a open wound and making sure it’s good and disinfected, then I put a nice little pony band aid on it to make sure there are no hard feelings. Trang went to the brink and back again so I think she’ll be fine. But I’ll be curious to see whether she’ll ever talk to me again. That fact that she was willing to talk with me at all was surprising enough.

Other than that the day was pretty boring. O I did get paid today, not much but it’ll buy this ring I want along with a present for Yiyi’s wedding. Yiyi is still really ill by the way, I’m very sad. I did have my first “real” college dinner tonight though; I’ll throw up a pic at the bottom of the post.

O so something that just happened while I was writing this blog, apparently some random Chinese girl just sent me a random message on Skype thinking I was someone else. I’m insanely cynical of random messages sent on the internet by anything even resembling a female, but whatever talking about random things is interesting. I think I’m just going to watch the movie “9” and go to bed soon.

Take care everyone, and yes I’m feeling much better. See earning a little money was just the thing I needed to pick me up.

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