Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Got a Hair Cut

1854 4-21-10

Well today was spent mostly trying to answer e-mails and cleaning my room.  Did some laundry, mopped the floor, that kind of thing.  I also a bit of a problem pop up, Deloitte (one of their partners in fact) e-mailed me back and asked what exactly was a I researching and who was I researching it for.  Well now I'm in a little bit of a bind.  Deloitte has the information I need, and now I have to decide on how to get it. 

On one hand I can lie and tell them it's for class and make up some paper that I'm writing.  But… there are some major risks with that.  One is that my name is highly public on the internet, you can basically google my name and find me pretty easily.  Second I've had contact with this company in the past and will continue to have contact with them in the future as I start looking for my first job.  Third this puts me and my current employer in ethical jeopardy.

All of those risks are not outweighed by merely finding out the data I need for this assignment.  Instead I'm going to go with option two, merely tell the truth and hope that he'll help me out.  Something like this (which thanks goes out to Booz for writing this for me):

"I'm currently a student intern at Blue Bamboo, and my task is to do research on markets that have a high amount of convience stores and QSRs as part of a much larger project looking at transit systems.  I believe a great company like Deloitte has access to the information my task needs.  However, I am concerned about a conflict of interest in using information provided by Deloitte for the potential benefit of my current company. I definitely do not want to jeopardize the business practices of both Deloitte and my company, because I am highly interested in obtaining a full time position with Deloitte once I return to the U.S. and finish my bachelor's degree."

We'll see just how well this actually goes over.

O I also finally heard back from Kim (my previous boss), apparently she is extremely swamped because my other boss at the company walked out!!  I guess for her that's good because as a consultant they now need her more than ever.  But of course for Kim it still sucks because she's already worked there for around eight months now which is much longer then she usually likes to work for a client.  And on top of that the other consultant I worked with has breast cancer!  :( very sad

Spent also a large amount of time talking to Booz and Trang online, it's nice that I have them to converse with, it helps ease the loneliness.  I also continue to give Trang "shock therapy" in her adjustment to my personality.  My perverse nature takes some getting used to before you can get to "me," hopefully Trang will be willing to play long enough to get there.

Once I was done with lunch I went on another adventure, to the barber!!  Trying to order my lunch is a little hard, trying to tell someone how to cut my hair is nigh impossible.  Sooo I didn't.  I just kind of walked in, made scissor cutting hand gesture on my head, and just kind of nodded with whatever they asked me.

First they had four women near the front of the store; one of them took me to the back, put on a facemask, and sat me down at a sink and began washing my hair.  She even scratched my head, it was nice… ^_^  Afterwards she took me to my hair stylist, sat me down, and with her job done she went back to the front.

My stylist was pretty hip, in fact almost all of them were.  Very well dressed mimicking something you might see on a runway with extremely well groomed hair (they look similar then the people at the Avon Salon).  All in all I felt much more comfortable in his hands then I did with most people that I allow to cut my hair in the US, even if I couldn't communicate with him I knew he probably wasn't going to let me walk out of there with crappy looking hair.

The fun started as soon as he realized I couldn't speak Chinese, and also didn't care how he cut my hair.  By the time I was done I think I had everyone in the entire place come and look at how he was cutting this curly red hair.  At one point had eight people surrounding me!  There's was also much laughing and joking, I'm sure most of which was at my expensive but hey that's part of it and I'm glad I got to be part of making someone else's day just a little bit more interesting. 

I'm also much more willing to be laughed at when my hair actually comes out looking pretty decent (I even got Ping Pong approval and she's our local French fashion guru), and I only paid 15RMB which is about $2.18.  $2.18!!!!!!!!!!!  I almost wish my hair would grow faster.  I did go ahead and go against custom and tipped my stylist, but I just couldn't help it.  A risk that paid off.

Today is also the second day of our HR class.  Sadly the professor is a lecturer, and even though I like him I'm not a fan of his teaching style.  I'm also not a fan of people talking in class!  *grumble grumble*

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