Monday, April 5, 2010

Cleaning, Work, and the Movies

Ok kids it’s 00:47 on 4-6-10 and I’m super tired and I have to get up in the morning so this is going to be really quick and really short.

Today was mostly consumed by trying to keep my room clean, even though I didn’t get to mop yet. I did make the mistake of trying to wash this giant brown furry blanket I have, which barely fit in the washing machine, and was not able to fit into the “spinner.” So I got to carry this soaking wet (and quite heavy) blanket all the way to my room, trailing water the whole way, and hang it up in my bathroom to dry. Later on I took odd plastic bags and covered my rusty railing and used clamps to let it air dry a bit, but even at this moment it’s still hanging from my closet door dripping. So tonight I don’t get to have my blanket, just the top sheet.

I also spent a lot of time thinking about what Yiyi and I talked about yesterday. I’m still not quite sure I fully can comprehend what it all means to me, but I’m trying to ponder it as much as I can in order to have a deeper understanding of my own life, and the decisions that I will eventually have to make.

The rest of the day was spent finishing up my research for this meeting that I will supposedly have either tomorrow or Friday. I think I’m pretty close to wrapping it up, but I’ll go back and triple check everything tomorrow.

Luckily after coming back from a walk I met up with Nathan and Sophie who invited me to go to the Bund (the very famous river walk in Shanghai), eat Japanese food, and go to the movies. Sadly the Bund is just so jam packed with people because it’s 清明节 (the day in which you visit the graves of your ancestors and reflect upon their sacrifices to you, or at least that’s how I understand it) and that means that almost everyone has the day off. After that and dinner we saw Alice in Wonderland in 3D. I think overall I liked it though there were quite a few things that bugged me. Just how the characters acted was not in line with the original plot, and I always get this feeling with Tim Burton that as much as I like him I always feel like he’s Dark-Lite. This movie could have been so much creepier and twisted which was what I was really craving.

Alright post is over, night everyone.

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