Monday, April 26, 2010

A Wasted Day

2024 4-26-10

Well after yesterday today felt like kind of a waste.

Some things got done like laundry, started the final essay for my ethics class, got some groceries and such.  I think I should have done more though, I have a book on case studies that I should be working on and I'm sure there are English Networking events here in Shanghai.  I should be looking for them.

I guess I was just kind of glum today.  It's not as though I'm not enjoying my time here, I am, I just feel like there's something else I could be doing or someone I could find that would help me enjoy it even more.  Kind of hard to find that when I'm sitting in my room though, so I need to continue my exploring.

I also just became acutely aware of the fact that nobody from my college has reached out to me to me except for Kris my roommate next year, and Annie the current Hendrix Culinary Club present asking for advice.  I guess what they say about out of sight out of mind is true.  Though in all honesty it doesn't really surprise me very much, I never really spent much time trying to make friends in college because I was almost always focused on my work in some form or another (even spending time with Amy was hard at times).  It is nice that I'm in contact with Boos (and Trang as well) every other day, having one friend that seeks you out is worth a thousand that don't.  Instead of bitching though I guess I myself should try and reconnect with people, though I have tried with a few, there are some people that I should reach out to again.

I made myself a sandwich today.  It was awesome.  I got some nice bread, a banana, peanut butter, and this crunchy chocolate filled candy that was made out of the same thing they make Nutella out of.  Smashed it all together and was like NOM NOM NOM!!  … end of story


  1. hey. i read! and you and Boos have a lot to talk about nowadays. we're not abandoning you!

  2. Awww Hayley!!!! I'm sorry, I forgot :( Please forgive me I know you've been reading, and I didn't mean to imply that you're not a good friend. It was more of a reflection on the fact that I haven't really made very many friends in college, obviously I know the "high school gang" (we really need to come up with like a name for our group, what about... "The Quadpod") are still with me.

    Please forgive me, I hope you're doing well!!

  3. I've been reading all your posts, too! I'm just not the sort of person who makes an effort to start conversations with anyone, whether you're across campus or across the world! :P

  4. Hey Mandi! I didn't know you were following these ramblings. I know what you mean, I can be the same way sometimes. Last night I was just a little depressed. How are you doing? Is all well?

  5. i dont like the "quadpod," that sounds weirdly sexual. lol.
    thanks for the shoutout

  6. dude "weirdly sexual" is the exact reason why i love the term / team name "Quadpod"
