Sunday, April 11, 2010

Class and a day in my room

2257 4-11-10

Well despite staying up late partying I was up by 7 for my 8:30 class, despite being a world away something just never change.

O I forgot to mention that I invited Yierm to Yiyi’s wedding on the 25th, she seemed super interested and likes wedding a lot. I would have asked Clement but I guess culturally I’m a little uncomfortable about asking a guy to a wedding, feel bad though I think he would have really liked to have come as well. I aslo do not tinhk the birde wtans the kroaen to cmoe; her itnseert in my flieengs for her, and the fcat taht she meetoinnd taht she smeed dfifreent tehn me sereavl tiems jsut snet my sipdy ssnees tgilning. Could be wrong but that’s what I read into it.  (Psychology is awesome, I'm curious to see if that crosses language barriers though)

Any who class went actually pretty well, today I tried hard to frame all of my comments into the form of questions which elicited a much better response percentages then other methods I had previously tried and will probably be the frame work I used for the rest of the class. The teacher also paired us up into random groups which I think also really helped the class in fostering discussion. After class Clement, Sandra, and I walked to some of the shops outside of the main gate to grab some grub, which was very cheap and very tasty.

By this point though the rain had really started coming down and so I just didn’t really feel like venturing out so I’ve been cooped up in my room for most of the day. Yierm came over though after dropping her mother off at the airport to get her other birthday present from me (Clement and I gave her a purse with some candy as well) but her nick name is Kuala and I know of a Japanese candy in the shapes of Kuala’s so I thought that would be a cute little present, and she seemed to like it a lot. Afterwards though I decided I was just going to lay down for a bit, my eyes were hurting and closing them just seemed like a good idea…. zzzzzZZzzZzzz

That’s right kiddies I actually took a nap today, which I guess shows how sleepy I really was. It was a little lonely though, there are times when I really feel “single” in the worse sense and not having anybody to nap with just reawaken that feeling within me. :-/ Part of it I guess. Maybe if I just had a friend to spoon with it might be better, but kind of a rare thing to find in China.

O I also watched Watchmen today, this being the second time I watched it, it allowed me to really see more into the movie then I saw the first time. Getting over the understanding curve for that movie is a bit of a steeper hike then what the American audience is use to, and once you do the picture the movie paints isn’t pretty but that doesn’t mean we should just look away. It probably moved up several spots on my “favorite movies of all time list” after watching it for the second time. I now also want to get my hands on the comic and see how that compares.

So that’s all I’ve got for today.

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