Sunday, April 18, 2010

Today I Wore a Bow and Carved an Apple

2244 4-18-10

2nd to last day of class and I wore a bow on my head. A large part of me wants to end the post right here.

Anyways so the reason behind this is multifold, one being that the bow belongs to PingPong who let it to me for the party we went to at Louie’s a couple of days ago. The theme was tacky or flashy and I had been working all day and just didn’t feel like going out and buying clothes for this one event. Well of course the others thought this would not due and so PingPong let me her bow to wear for the party, which I thought was very pretty, and I also sported a nice small stick-on jewel on my forehead (which I decided to wear the entire time at the park the following day, I would have been curious to know what the random Chinese people thought about that).

So I thought to myself, “Hey you should probably bring this to class so you can give it back to her.” But then I was walking to class and suddenly the image of me walking into class with it on hit me and I thought it was pretty funny image. Well… why shouldn’t I? I mean it’s not like I’m ever going to see each other again, they would probably get a laugh out of it, and what the hell I began to get curious as to what exactly their reaction would be.

Well I got to admit it was pretty fun. I didn’t mention it, I didn’t mess with it, and I acted perfectly normal. To their credit they held it in pretty well but I could see that every once in awhile when the teacher would look at me her mouth would twitch into a grin, and when I would talk to the students they were having a hard time holding back their laughter.

Well come to find out one of the girls had also left another bow at Louie’s and he had brought it to class to give to them (o and by the way almost all of the girls were absent for some reason, so I never did give it back to PingPong). Well Clement snatched up that bow and pretty soon there were two of us sporting them. Eventually the teacher just had to ask, “so is this some part of Western culture?” Man we all burst out laughing. Louie quickly explained that no it wasn’t and that most Westerners were not like me at all. ^_^

Life is serious. We all have serious problems: working hard at school and work, wanting a good job or even if we already have one we want one that is better, trying to find a husband/wife or trying to make the one we have work, and constant new problems always arising. I’ll be damn if I lose my since of humor. Doing little crazy things helps me hang on to it.

Got some lunch after class with the few of us that showed up for class and ate at the Mao. But they were talking mostly in French and I had some things I wanted to check on so I left after I finished my meal. One of things I wanted to do was see what the hell was wrong with my internet because it had just been really slow and supposedly I was supposed to be on a 2Mbit connection and it seemed more like a 56k.

I called up their 10000 number and spoke with someone who said that they would have a techy call me back, and of course when he did he didn’t speak a word of English, super. So I considered the matter over and done with and I would just have to deal with it. But no… about an hour later suddenly there was a knocking at my door and there was some guy from China Mobile standing outside my door, and of course he didn’t speak English either. Well luckily Nathan lives three doors from me so I popped over to his dorm real quick and got him to come translate for me. But long story short I don’t think he really did anything but tell me I might be over using my bandwidth. *grumble grumble* ANYWAYS Clement and I worked on our presentation a little bit and I watched some shows on my computer.

But anyways I figured I wouldn’t be able to replace my bowl on my hookah anytime soon which sucked so I decided I just needed to make my own out of an apple. Luckily it was kind of easy, went out and bought a kitchen knife and a spoon from the school store, picked up a couple of apples and went to work making me a small bowl. Found a good apple to do it with too, not to soft but workable and really fat providing me plenty of meat to work with. Overall it worked really well and Clement and I hung out on my balcony for about 40 min and just played with my laser and smoked. It was a lot of work but worth it if you only do it once in awhile. After he left I watched Shutter Island which was a lot better than I expected it to be. I thought it was going to be a horror film but really it was more suspenseful then anything else, but disturbing. I wish the new Alice and Wonderland had taken more of this approach instead of its wish washy stance.

Just got a text from Yiyi she just came back from the hospital, I’m now super worried about her and hopefully I’ll go visit her tomorrow. Life is serious.

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