Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Day of HR

1851 4-24-10

I was up by 4:30 this morning;, there was no reason, no yearning desire to be productive, no beautiful lover on my balcony, no loud neighbors, hell I didn't even have to go pee.  I just woke up, and there I was.  It was during this time that I ran out of water, which while having a sore throat, really sucks, and it wasn't till around 7:30 that I was able to get my heads on some of this precious liquid.  That's four hours of suffering ladies and gents, four hours!!

Then around 8:30 our HR class began and I got to be there, hurrah.  Most of the time was spent on learning about recruitment (sadly nothing I could really use in my upcoming job search) and the concept of "international teams" within a corporate structure.  But toward the end I started fading pretty fast because of my lack of sleep and from the fact that my nose and throat were getting worse so I left about 30 min early.  Even with my early leave I was in class for over 7 hours.

I also held my first English Language corner class today for the MBA students.  Two people showed up.  O well, two pupils will allow me to better focus on them, kind of strange though.  I'm not too sure I would want to practice English on my Saturday either.  The two guys that showed up seemed nice though, one owns his own travel agency (which he just started in January) and the other is in sales within in a giant Chemical firm. 

Mr. Travel's English is actually fairly good, so I'm just going to focus on pronunciation with him, and Mr. Sales just started learning last year, even still though his English is actually rather advanced for the amount of time he's had, at least it's far better than my Spanish was even after two semesters of class.  It will be more difficult to teach him because I have no idea how to actually teach English, but we'll figure out something.  Maybe just having simple conversations will help move things into the right direction.

Ok I'm going to watch a movie and then I'm going to pass out.  Take care everyone.

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