Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New Suits and Projects Coming to a Head

2315 7-13-10

So yesterday Nathan and I went out and picked up our suites from the tailors.  They're quite spiffy and I also took that time to drop off my pea coat for repairs.  I'm a little worried though because the buttons are done in a special way and I would rather them not mess it up.  Oh well it cost me a total $37 to redo them and all of the lining.  If I don't like it, it's not like I've sunk a huge amount of money into it, still though… it's my coat.

Panpan (our sales girl) assured me that father's suite could be made in four days.  She's pretty cool, not much formal education, but smart as a whip.  She's had an intro to English class but the rest of her language skills are self taught.  She's also learning French and Japanese.  Panpan is also oddly honest for a sales person, she had no problem telling me that I was a little fat; but that Nathan should act more like me because I'm cuter (that's exactly what she said).  Anyways, she's highly amusing.  I also picked up six ties for $17, two of which are in a box and include cuff links.

Then as we came back from our suite extraction, we ran across Sophie, Luc, and Nina who were heading to this place in Shanghai that sells all sorts of pets.  So Nathan and I ran up to our rooms and decided to tag along.  Have you ever been walking in an area and felt like bacteria is literally washing over you as you walk?  That's kind of how it was, except with cute kittens, and lots of grasshoppers.  Grasshoppers and crickets, just fyi, are considered lucky in ancient Chinese customs and many people would carry special cages with the bug inside.  Once our animal planet journey came to a close, we headed out and got some Korean BBQ which was super tasty.  It was so nice to have meat without any bone in it.

Today, on the other hand, was a mixed bag of fortune.  On one side my boss was not happy with the results that came in for the project because he wanted a much more in depth analysis of the myriad of patents out there, and I'm unsure as to whether or not I will be able to provide him this by the time I'm done.  On the other hand a Chinese friend of mine from class works as a manager within the Expo and is willing to give my father and I VIP passes for the entire expo, which basically means we get to skip all of the lines.  On top of that I just got an e-mail from my school offering up a free mattress and box springs from the North Area Coordinator, so maybe I'll be able to get my hands on that.

Let's see… nope that's pretty much it.  I had a Risk Management class, but we basically talked about being prepared for a variety of "Risk" and how companies create internal insurance pools.

So I need to call some companies about these patents, take care.

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