Friday, July 16, 2010

Last Day of Work

0045 7-17-10
Wow so it has been awhile hasn't it?
Sorry I guess I've just been slipping recently, also not much has really gone on.  The weather has kept me pretty much inside.
Well today was the last day of work, which I guess was cool.  The end of something is always the beginning of something else.  HR bought me some milk tea and a slice of cake which was thoughtful… and tasty.  Sadly Niko wasn't there today because he just had a baby the day before so naturally he was out.
Mostly the day was spent wrapping up the last bit of my projects and talking with the guys around me.  Edward suggested I check out a company called Stratfort which is a private intelligence agency with their office in Austin.  While they offer internships to recent grads they're unpaid which kind of puts me in a bind.  But o well, it looks interesting if nothing else.
Also had a closing interview with Trent as well as gave him a report on "areas needing improvement" as requested by HR.  That's always fun, ask the intern that's only been there for a few months to tell you what's wrong with the company.  Super.  But an outsider's perspective can be useful I guess.
Let's see what else is going on… bought dad's Expo ticket today.  Oh did I tell you that I now have VIP Expo passes?  Ya, I'm that good at networking.  :P
Anyways other than that I've just been trying to relax and enjoy my last few days of peace before I head back to America and corporate slavery for the rest of my life… whoopee!!

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