Saturday, June 5, 2010

Last Night at Club Tipsy and Leadership Class 1

1829 6-5-10
*cough* so let's try to recap what happened last night.  So around 10 or so we hoped in a cab to a club called Tipsy which was having an event that some of my friends were involved in, essentially you could get unlimited drinks and crepes for 100RMB (that's $14.50, hell of a deal).
Overall I actually really liked the club, a nice mix of western and eastern bar.  The DJ was also really good though the music videos that were on didn't sync with the music.  Imagine Lady Gaga's voice coming out of 50 Cent.  Also the place and fairly high ceilings which meant it was much cooler than other clubs.  Also had a lot of fun dancing with this cute little Chinese girl that Luc brought.  I believe her name was Ophelia.  Long story short I ended up going home by myself at 1am, the others didn't get back till 5.  We had class at 8:30.  Even in my state, I was laughing pretty hard when the Frenchies finally made it to class.
Speaking of class, our current one is called Leadership, and it is taught by a wonderful woman by the name of Dr. Susan Bach.  Another teacher from Rollins College her focus is on leadership development (duh), and she comes from the Hotel Industry.  A good natured individual she exudes a positive attitude, she actively flushes out student participation while not getting hung up on the lack thereof.  Very HRy.
Apparently there are now some kids from Rollins College on campus now, five if I'm not mistaken.  They were in class, and I even sat next to a German kid who was studying there… or well here now, but in the Rollins MBA program.  He seemed cool enough.  I didn't get that same feeling from the girls though, who, while Asian, were definitely American.  Maybe it was the way they carried themselves, or maybe it was a general feeling of coldness towards.  Something was simply off.  Who knows though, it could be just my own crazy perception.
We also took a Emotional Intelligence assessment test.  My weakest area is Empathy; I think my ex would whole heartily agree with that.  Making people feel better when they're depressed is just not something I'm good at, though it's rather situation dependent.  My greatest strength is Self Awareness, I kind of like this for I feel it's hard to know how to improve if you don't know where you stand.
So the reason why I'm writing this rather early is because we're about to go celebrate Elkien's birthday with dinner and then off to a pub.  We then have class again at 8:30.  Good life choices, groggy morning consequences.
Update:  My first leadership journal entry.

Leadership is assumed not given
a)      What: In class during our brief presentations. Those that are viewed as leaders tend to be the ones that merely assume the responsibilities of one, even if they never actually call themselves a leader (we talked about this in class, as well as in True North, my father and uncle are also a big proponent of this concept).
b)      So what:  This may sound intuitive but in actuality I’ve generally noticed that many people do not understand this concept.  One should never be called a leader without first becoming one, not the other way around.
c)       Now what: In my own professional life I can use this by taking on more responsibilities at work without necessarily demanding compensation for this, first becoming the title I wish to have and being recognized for it later.

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