Friday, June 11, 2010

More NAGing, Club Sin, and Yes I Missed A Day

2303 6-11-10

Ya ya I skipped a day, sue me.  Sorry I got an e-mail from one of my new contacts, N.A.G. business; I'll continue writing this post in just a second…

Well, that was a little bit depressing.  In summary "you're work experience looks awesome, sadly our clients want people that have specialized in a certain area so they can solve specific problems."  Which is the exact opposite approach to how I thought, I wanted a more general understanding of business so that I can see how all of the pieces fit together, hence my experience in accounting, marketing, investments, etc.  He suggested looking into more local firms (though some of the ones he listed actually over very competitive pay), use my work experience somewhere else to string all of my other experiences under one roof, and apply to these other firms after grad school (which is one of the reason why I wanted to get into these firms in the first place).  But if these firms want me to super specialize on something, I need to find something else, I want to be able to see the whole machine, not just a single cog.

It's a rather large bitter pill for me to swallow.  Luckily I have a large amount of over self confidence and blind stubbornness to wash it down with.  I haven't even applied yet, I'm not going to give up, though I have started creating several back-up plans that I would be just as happy with.

Anyways I've got a reply to write.  Went to Club Sin last night because Louie asked me too, it was alright, kind of a sausage fest, and it was weird only have three people I knew (and not very well at that) in the entire club.  Despite my late night, my body of course kicked me right out of bed at 6:30, plenty of time to leave for work at 8.

Other than that I've spent an absorbent amount of time reconnecting with my network, and looking around at the job market.  Lot's to think about, lot's of scheming and planning to do.  Nighty night.

Selflessness (if it exists)

a)      What: One of my German friends recently organized a charity drive here on campus to college used clothes for children in rural China.  Long story short it was a great success.

b)      So what: A leader is not required to be "selfless" but at the same time they have to be willing to give a great deal of themselves to their team and the organization or objective knowing that they may never get that returned.

c)       What now: It's hard for me to say that I can't be selfless, I can think of specific examples of when I was (or at least that's how I've chosen to remember the moments), and yet I've ingrained into myself how to see opportunities that present themselves which makes it a little hard for me to ever think of myself as doing something "selfless."  I'm not exactly sure I want to change this about myself, nor how I would even be able to.  On a side note I'm beginning to notice my posts really lack any form of a conclusion or development, sorry.


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