Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Leadership Class 6 and Revamping my Resume

2100 6-15-10

Boos is on his way to China, which is super cool.  He should be touching down sometime shortly.  I'll see him in about two weeks which will be awesome.

Let's see, finished the last leadership class.  I'm currently working on revamping my resume and cover letter; I'll then be meeting with the teacher tomorrow to go over them.  It's weird working on a document that'll literally have a pivotal role in the rest of your life.

Hehe my leadership sent me an e-mail with comments about my leadership log:

"If I can offer some insight, I'd like to ask why you're freaking out now?  Isn't that a little premature?  Why not wait until you know you have reason to freak, and then, if you feel you have reason to freak out, you have a choice.  Freak out or take some action.  I suggest the action.


I'm recommending you don't put so much pressure on yourself."


Well… I read this while working on my cover letter and was kind of wanted a break so I sent her a little reply:


"So much to do.  Time has ticked and the moment arrives and then Time has tocked and the moment has departed.  Men who have gone so far, Women who have achieved dreams, People who have worlds.  Driven by the Primal Instincts of competition I seek my place.  Freaking out is merely a manifestation of the odds.  Like a wild Stallion of old, I hope to harness such rawness to ride forth or be bucked into obscurity.



Boredom brings out the strangeness within me, and the bad… well whatever it is you want to say I scribbled down.  O well, I enjoy it.


Nighty night, I still have a bit of editing to do.  Hope all is well in your lives.

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