Monday, June 21, 2010


2034 6-21-10

Did stuff today, pretty unexciting.  I've started working out every morning (I desperately need to, I've grown way to soft, and I'll be starting an intense workout schedule when I get back to Hendrix), it's pretty easy, just wanting to get back into it: 175 jumping jack (75 at the beginning, 100 at the end), 15 push-ups and 30 sit-ups.

So confirmed with Boos on his plans, he'll be coming this Friday evening, super excited.  We're going to have a blast.  I need to start setting up some stuff for us to do.  Some of the Frenchies are getting plans together as well so we may tag along with them.

I also talked with Deanna some today.  She was studying for a Chem test, but we still had a lot of fun talking.  I even taught her how to convert [HO-] to pH!!  Man… all of those years of Bullshit Training finally paid off.  So I felt pretty proud of myself.  And before you get all smartass on me, yes it was the correct way of doing it.  So that whole business is going well enough.  There's certainly potential here, but there would be certain logistical business that would need to be dealt with.  All in due time I guess.

The weather has steadily started creeping up; it'll probably be in the 90s sometime this weekend.  I'm wearing my long sleeve shirt for like the last time I think.  Maybe I'll drag Boos into a brief shopping trip while he's here cause I'm lacking t-shirts.  ^_^

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