Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Weekend with Boos

1937 6-29-10 (but will cover all dates since 6-25-10)
So… this is kind of awkward.  I feel like I'm 40 and out shopping with my new 24 year-old girlfriend, when I accidently run my cart into the back of my 2nd ex-wife's basket and there's that moment of silence while she judges and condemns me for my debauchery and general asshole-ishness.  In short, I'm sorry I got lazy and skipped a few days.
Anyways so Boos came in Friday night.  We went out to club SOHO and partied with some of the French kids.  Soccer matches were on so the club was a little different than usual, but o well.  After that we came home and made a bed for Boos out of three large blankets and his mattress cover that he brought.  Overall it was probably more comfortable then my bed.
Next day we headed out to various parts of West Shanghai, including Xujiahui, and Cloud 9 at Zhongston Park.  Cloud 9 was actually quite a bit of fun, we did a lot of people watching and Boos got his head bitten off by this old woman who apparently did not like the fact that he glanced in her direction (she was some foreigner, a Chinese woman would never explode over something like that).  We also saw parts of a talent show as we were walking around the mall.  Some of it was pretty bad, but there was this one guy that was able to do some pretty intense dancing in high heels, entertaining to say the least.
After that we headed down to Nanjing Road so that he could see all the lights and stuff.  It was pretty cool, extremely crowded though, especially when we got to the Bund.  Having Boos around was cool because he could sometimes translate all the little things that I was oblivious too.  Such as the fact that when I decided not to buy a pair of chopsticks it apparently marked me as someone who did not know anything about Chinese culture.  *shrugs* There are nationalist in every country, I try not to hold it against them.
Let's see the next day we got up and headed over to Pudong where we got some sightseeing in, and we also went to the aquarium which was pretty spiffy.  Apparently it boasts one of the longest underwater walkways in the world at 150m.  Sadly it was so cloudy I didn't bother taking him to the top of any cool buildings because we wouldn't really be able to see anything anyways.  We did however explore the Shangri-la Hotel which was cool as usual.  Later the night we went out with the Frenchies again to score some grub.  As usual the restaurant was out of about three or four of the things we ordered.  This has become almost comically common.  Afterwards we call it an early night for we wanted to wake up early for the Expo on Monday.

Did I mention that it was pretty humid for the last three days?  Well it all came together in the form of a wonderful rain on Monday, which also was the same day we went to the Expo.  But deterred we were not!  Nor were 450,000 other people.
All and all it was pretty cool.  We looked around at all the countries pavilions and even got in to see Vietnam's and Israel's.  The only reason why we got into Israel's was because  when we went and asked two white guys they happened to be Israelis and let us cut in line, essentially cutting our 3 hour wait into 30 mins.  FYI 3 hours is the average waiting time, with South Korea's being about 6.  Next time I go I'm definitely waiting to get into the Singapore one (sorry Dad).  After the Expo we rushed home, Boos backed his bags, and I saw him off to the airport. Yes I know you may be disappointed by my recount of the Expo, but I'll have another chance to talk about it when Dad comes.

All in all we walked about 35 to 40 hours (maybe more) in 4 days.  I'm still recovering.
Today was pretty relaxed luckily, though I was rather peeved that I got to walk 30 mins in the rain and my socks didn't dry in time so I got to walk home in wet socks/shoes.  I also got a new project.  I'll be researching competitor's technology and reading up on their patents, whoo!!  You should take a moment to find a patent and try and read it… its fun.
Oh so on Friday I created another painting, not really sure how I feel about it, though it's the first one where I messed with depth:

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