Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Advancing the N.A.G. agenda

2341 6-9-10

Wow I got really sidetracked while trying to write this blog.

Essentially my activities for the day almost entirely centered on company research and reaching out to my contact base.  I've also started talking with the head of BCG's Dallas recruitment head.  We'll see how this goes.  Who knows she could say, "No, Ivy League? No 3.5?... then NO."  Somehow while talking with her I've got to convince her that I can be an exception to that rule… then I have to convince everyone at the company that I can be an exception to that rule.  Long row to hoe.

On a more positive note I got feedback from my IBE teacher who I sent that GENICON market strategy paper too.

"Good ideas – expressed well.

Generally well written. Tightening up some your phrases would have given you an extra paragraph to further your case.

GENICON is a client, not your employer, so avoid "us" and "we" since you are not part of GENICON."

It seems overall he liked it, and the things he said I could improve on are nothing new (which now that I think about it might be a bad thing).

Oh I also got a response from a member of Matt Firme who is a partner at Big Solutions Group, which is a video game consulting firm.  He says they're busy because E3 is coming up but would like for me to remind him again later in the month.  The fact that he responded I take is a good sign, though I'm asking him for advice, not for a job.

I also watched the Hot Tub Time Machine.  No, that's a name of a movie not a porno.  I swear.  It honestly wasn't that bad… though when I expecting cat poo, cheap roman taste pretty damn good.

Nighty night.

P.S.  Some friends of mine are involved in throwing a party tomorrow so my blog post might be super early, or non-existent tomorrow.

Lacking Direction (or can't go in the direction I want)

a)      What:  You're a leader.  Good for you.  You've got it all, charisma, determination, "big picture" mindset, confidence, even that big fancy cigar that says "I make money and people respect me."  But what if you have nowhere to go?  No direction in which to apply these qualities.

b)      So what:  Well I have none of those traits (except confidence, which I have in an over abundance, though this post is not indicative of that) but I am being faced with the prospect that I may have nowhere to go after college.  Almost every graduate feels like this, though usually most simply don't know what they want to do.  Well I know exactly what I want to do, I want to be a corporate strategist, and I'm just having a hard time convincing people to pay me to do it.  Does this mean I might be lacking leadership skills?  I mean if you can't convince people to hire you to be a leader well then it really doesn't matter whether you're a "Leader" or not.  Do I have to start as an underling in some other field and then work my way over to strategy?  I don't mind being an underling in strategy, but being an underling somewhere else?  Well that opens up a whole new can of worms.

c)       What now:  I continue to freak out.  I'm in China, I can't really do anything about needing to be employed a year from now.  I'm generally reaching through my contact network to research companies, making preparations, and generally prepping myself for the oncoming storm, but right now I'm more or less sitting and waiting.  The perfect time to freak out.  I hope that if I freak out enough now, then when I want to freak out later but really shouldn't I can remind myself "Kevin you've already freaked out, no sense in wasting your time by doing it twice."  That's what I'll do, I'll reason with myself while I'm stressing out.  I'm sure this'll work.  On a side note, it's really frustrating when these posts turn into more questions than answers.


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