Sunday, June 13, 2010

Working on my Cover Letter and Resume

2002 6-13-10

I spent most of the day working on this issue of "branding" myself.  If I can't solve this identity crisis I can basically kiss my chances of consulting good bye.  So I've been crawling around the internet looking at various things and absorbing different ideas.  One I liked was instead of writing out this long winded cover letter, actually go to the employers website and copy down the requirement for the job and then in a graph go point by point and give examples as to how you match this criteria.  I'll give example later on in the post and I welcome your feedback.

Mmm let's see I changed the beginning of my resume as well.  It's been my "objective" which I always thought was rather stupid, obviously my current objective is to do whatever job I'm applying to, and it seemed kind of like a waste of space.  So once I read that very same thing in a recruiter's blog, I changed it as a space to brand myself.  Here's what I have for now.


Utilizing a variety of experiences, I see the big picture in order to provide clients with synchronized strategic planning and execution.

Anyways so that's now the very first thing after my header.

Anyways so here's my coverletter v2 for BCG (I'll be interested in seeing how blogspot handles my formatting):

I'm interested in applying for an Associate position at the BCG Dallas, San Francisco, or Singapore office.  You're recruitment webpage lists 5 essential skills for being successful at BCG, let me explain and give examples of how I have demonstrated this skill set.


·         Path Finding

·         At Blue Bamboo, the company was going through a branding crisis and was unable to decide how to position its company; this caused many of its objectives to be rather ambiguous.  By creating the content for their Company Introduction and brainstorming with their CEO and Director of Operations I helped the company decide upon its direction based off of its unique product line and current reputation.

·         Curiosity

·         Working with Kim Hall, we were constantly asking questions about our clients accounting procedures, trying to understand their thought process, how best to change the system to match their needs, and tracing problems within their system so that they could be eloquently and permanently solved.

·         Leadership

·         As the founder of the Hendrix College Culinary Club my leadership skills have been stretched and strengthened. I started the club my freshman year bringing together a team of like-minded associates to construct and plan the club's foundation and future.

·         Impact

·         Interning at JWA Financial Group, they had just Schwab's PortfolioCenter, but were unable to import in two years of data.  I dove in, familiarizing myself with the new system and began updating/correcting client portfolios.  Later I would write a manual for future users as well as train the other two interns on its uses.  This freed up their talented employees and once again provided their clients with accurate and timely feedback on their investments.

·         Join BCG

·         My passion for strategic management consulting has led me to BCG's doorstep.  With my professional and educational background I have the diversity to connect to clients, and bring a broad knowledge of varies industries and skills.  Coupled with my knack for problem solving I believe I can bring real value to BCG's clients.


Thank you for your time and consideration. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding my experience, education, or goals. I look forward to speaking with you.


I also met with the Leadership Class presentation group.  We're using my idea of putting a chair on the table to talk about how knowing one's self is like the four legs and seat of a chair, supporting the actual leader.  Anyways I'm rather proud of the idea because it ties in the word "chair" which our group was given as part of a creativity exercise.

Same Leader + Different Situation = Different Leadership Style?

a)      What: As leaders should we try and change our leadership style based off of new situations?

b)      So what:  Well this kind of leads away from the idea of our "authentic" leadership style doesn't it?  I'm not sure I could lead a group of artist the same way I can lead a group of engineers.  Shouldn't the leader adjust to the group in order to maximize their productivity?

c)       What now: I think in order to help my arability I should continue to try and get as much experience as I can interacting with different type of people, and if possible work with them to solve a problem.  That way I can better tailor to their needs as a contributing member of a group.

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