Friday, June 18, 2010


[In order to protect the identity of people who probably will never read this blog, names and… some other things, have been changed in an obvious manner.]
2122 6-18-10
Wait wait wait don't look at me that way.  I know what you're thinking and I can talk about whatever I want on my blog, so you can just shove it. 
But before I begin, apparently I have not been "FUNNY" enough for some people.  Some people, who have alcoholic sounding names, think that my writing should be entertaining them, that my writing should make them chuckle.  Well your life must be a bloody sitcom cause my life is like a damn monologue read by Hawkings.  Make that sound funny bicth.  ^_^
Anyways now that I've said my piece maybe I can get on with writing about my wonderful day.  And it was wonderful thank you for asking.
It didn't start off being wonderful though, it started off at 4:30.  That, my friends, is never wonderful.  I have never, in my entire life, ever gotten up at 4:30 and said "Kevin, today is going to be AWESOME," never.  No, today was a day of relationships; the good, the bad and the German.
First off though, summer has started to set in, and the pure humidity in the air could keep a magikarp alive (if you don't know what that is, and you're my age, a serious piece of your childhood was left in the dust, go back and fetch it).  I also got invited to Robots new video game, currently in Alpha phase, which is awesome.  There are advantages to being connected to the video game industry, and no I can't get you in, don't ask.  No I won't even be writing about it, because well… I can't.  I would like to say that I can't because I'm sworn to secrecy and ethics and all of that crap, but actually its cause my laptop can't meet the minimum specs and I also can't connect to their network in China.  O well I'll play it when I get back.
Anyways so I spent a good deal of time today talking with my high school friend, Banna, on Skype about her relationship with her boyfriend.  Summed up, she's pretty needy, and he's really… not.  She loves him tons but isn't getting the attention she needs.  Maybe they can change… but I'm skeptical.  But best of luck to them, they are in fact cute together so I hope it works out.  And having someone so career focused could be good for her.
She then introduced me to Deanna for the first time.  Yes the same girl that I talked about last time, you know where I said she seemed pretty cool by her description, well now that I've spoken to her I found out that's not true at all.  She's tremendous.  I feel like a little school boy talking about his first crush, it's like, all I can do to not hit that caps lock button and go to town.
Before I continue I figure I better explain what Skype is.  Skype is a video/audio/text messaging program.  Well internet connection pretty much rules out video and audio so that leaves me with text.
"Oh Kevin, you can't possibly get to know someone merely by sending text back and forth!?"

Ya, screw you too, my generation is rather apt at it, and since this ain't my first rodeo I've perfected it to a bloody art.  Not to mention my great aunt got married to some schmuck without ever meeting him, and only ever corresponded by snail mail, so don't tell me it can't be done.
*breath in, breath out*
So we chatted back and forth for awhile, talking about plans after college ect.  She'll be working in Austin for the government, creating policies and auditing company to make sure they comply.  It actually sounds pretty spiffy… and I like Austin.
But we joked around a bit, laughed, all good.  And get this, I flirted, and she flirted back!!  Ya I know, I'll let you clean up that brain matter behind you later.
"Everyone flirts, dude, what's the big deal?"

Have you ever seen me flirt?  Picture a rhino trying to hump a giraffe, it's awkward, it's messy and someone's going to get hurt.
Alright, I could just keep going but I'll stop there.
After I got back I went to dinner with Flinsi, who told me about her problems.  She's kind of dealing with some loneliness issues.  I wish I could give her some advice but her incase and Banna's as well… I'm just kind of inept.  I love to listen, and I'll try and help.  But my advice usually makes people feel worse about a situation.  Kind of something I should work on.
So I'm about to drop like a sack of wet noodles.  You've got brain matter to clean up, I've got two pillows pretending to be sirens.  Let's call it a night.