Thursday, July 1, 2010


2150 7-1-10

Look at me, I miss one weekend and I just start falling down on the job like some delinquent.  I'm doing fine, no worries.  Ended up going out to eat last night with Clement, Sandra, and Charlie (the same people I went touring South China with) and afterwards we headed out to a club (G+, it was alright, though if I was dictator of my own country I would instate a law that forbids DJ from ever talking) with some of the other Frenchies.  And when I got back at 3 I just didn't feel like writing a blog post.

Anyways nothing much has really happened around here lately.  I have launched a fully fledged anti-gnat campaign over the last few days.  I would kill one, and then no more than a few minutes later two would somehow pop up.  It's extremely annoying at night when they are drawn to your computer screen.

It's also gotten quite hot here, though luckily the last couple of days have been rain free.  I had half a semi-cold watermelon for dinner in celebration of the coming of summer; though I'll be even more excited when autumn comes (it's my favorite season).

I've also been looking at job opportunities and such.  I've been introduced to a recruiter within HP, etc.  It should also be noted that I've begun heavily researching what it would take to work in Singapore.  I really like what I've found out about the country and I think it would be a pretty nifty place to spend a few years of my life.  Singapore is a English speaking country, they have extremely high standards of living, technologically progressive, an island, one of the least corrupt countries on Earth, the most globalized country in the world, the fourth largest financial center, yet still in Asia.  Not to mention it would be a great place to visit me!  But don't get too ruffled up about this, just merely mulling it over.  I'm sure some of you will have comments or questions about it, I welcome your opinions.

That's really all that's been going on.

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