Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Surfing the Internet and I Love Shanghai

23:50 4-6-10

So man if yesterday’s was short today’s is going to be even shorter. Basically I was useless at work today, the meeting has been pushed back till Friday, yet my research at this phase is pretty much done, so I just spent the entire day double checking my work and reading up on current news.

I’ve agreed to go with Yiyi to this HR Management lecture by a very famous Chinese speaker on this topic. But ya there is this tiny problem… the speaker doesn’t speak English… o well we usually regret what we don’t do, not what we actually do, and it beats going to some club I guess.

Also talked with Boos today, we chatted about stuff, caught up, learned a little Chinese, solved some of life’s problems.

After work I went with Clement, Nina, and Ping Pong to this bar called I Love Shanghai. A very western hole in the wall place but it was nice. Just chilled and listened to music.

Yep that’s it for today, I’m pretty tired. Hopefully I can just sleep in tomorrow… haha I’ll be lucky to sleep past 7. :(

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