Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Nothing to Write

2032 4-20-10

Hrmm I don't really have much to write.

I did finally get my pictures from the park uploaded; you can check them out at this link:


Most of the day was sent sending out e-mails.  I decided that my current way of searching out information just wasn't working and that maybe sending out e-mails was a better way to go.  We'll see if anyone actually responds.

Today was also my first English Lunch at work.  Gotta say it's going to be a tough.  For one I've never tried to teach people English, nor do I know Chinese.  But the real challenge lies in just trying to get them to be a little bit more confident and to actually speak. 

I think I need to change my approach, I had thought they might have had a little bit more of the language under their belt and I was just going to help them learn how to converse with expressions and lingo.  What I'm finding out is that we should actually start with just simply learning how to actually "speak."  I don't mean as in passing air through your vocal cords but to actually pronounce and articulate the words that you are saying.  Much like you would if you were a public speaking.  I also will need to find a way of making sure everyone is speaking equally and that one person is dominating the entire conversation… ^_^

Anyways that's all I have today, enjoy the pictures.

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