Thursday, April 22, 2010

Planning a Trip

2339 4-22-10

Man I’m tired. While I got some work done in the morning, the majority of the day’s activities took place after lunch.

Clement, Sandra, and I will be going on a trip from April 30th all the way until May 8th. While at the moment the name of the three cities we’ll be visiting eludes me I know it’ll focused around the south part of China. During that time I highly doubt you’ll hear from me but I plan on still writing my blog and will post all of the entries when I get back.

Anyways so off we (Clement, Sandra, Liang’s roommate, and myself) went today to pick up tickets for the train ride. I found out that the ride is going to take us 24hours!! I guess that’ll give me time to conduct Clement’s and Sandra’s interviews. The tickets cost us about 350RMB a piece which is around $51.

With that accomplished we walked back to campus and stopped at the local fruit market (which I had somehow not visited yet), I’m definitely going to have to come back here. My hookah bowl also came in so we picked it up from the main gate, so no more carving apples!! It should be noted that I went through three apples last night trying to carve another bowl, and I never did succeed. Every time I tried to fit it onto the hookah the apple would split in half. -_-

One we got back I dropped off myself and went out again to meet Yiyi all the way out into the middle of Pudong, which is the east part of Shanghai (I live on the far west side). We had a great time, she formally gave me the invitation to her wedding, and we talked a lot about life. Apparently this girl who she’s been having problems with (the “two timing hussy” that I referred too in a previous post) is causing more problems.

Yiyi has been very sick and this girl made her go with her to buy her bride’s maid dress where upon she argued with the people for over four hours! Afterwards Yiyi became much sicker. Yiyi is also worried that this girl will do something to embarrass her during her wedding, hopefully this will not come to pass, but never the less I offered my services to “take care of the problem” if this girl starts making problems. :P I can just see me, this unknown white kid, grabbing her by her hair and dragging her out of the wedding. Now wouldn’t that be fun!!

Coming back home a guy asked to talk with me after I left my station and was walking back towards campus, and apparently he’s also from ECUST! We talked back and forth while we walked, exchanged numbers, and agreed to meet for drinks when we both had a free moment. He seems cool, and his English is pretty good. He is very fond of the phrase “Oh My God!!” He’s also a big Michael Jackson fan, which is why I think he chose Michael as his Western name, but that’s just a guess.

Alright sorry this is a little too short, I really should start flushing these out more, but I have work tomorrow and I’m super exhausted.

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