Friday, April 2, 2010

The Meeting That Didn't Happen

1835 4/2/10

So you know that big meeting I was talking about that I spent Thursday preparing for? Didn’t happen. The American office never got back to us so the meeting has been postponed until Tuesday. O well I guess that gives me more time to prepare, if by prepare you mean I get to work on my day off to get this thing ready… welcome to the rest of my life. :D

A good part of the day was when Edward, who’s from Malaysia, took me out for lunch which was super nice. He seems pretty cool. He also drew an interesting parallel between countries whose films begin to venture into the realm of Sci-Fi and countries that are about to have a large growth spurt.

Tonight, once again, we’re going out partying. Luckily I haven’t really gone out partying this week so I feel better about doing it today. Only downside was that I didn’t sleep well last night so this might really take a toll on me, but I guess that’s what Saturdays are for.

By the way, I forgot my bathing suit.

“So what? You don’t ever really going swimming that much.”

Well ya that may be true but… well you see Ye and I are going to go try and swim at the Shanghai-La… fun, adventuress, breaking rules, no real harm being done, and free. Sounds like my kind of thing.

That’s it for tonight, I have a feeling I’m not really going to be in the mood for typing out a blog when I get back so I wanted to at least throw this together before I leave.

P.S. Going the wrong way on the subway sucks, I literally went 5 stations before I bothered to look up and notice that I had in fact never been to this part of Shanghai before. At least with subways you can just hope off and catch the next one going in the opposite direction.

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