Monday, April 19, 2010

I Sucked on a Chicken's Foot and Gave a HR Presentation

2207 4-19-10
So I didn't get a ring, I didn't get my hair cut, and I didn't get Yiyi's wedding present.  I did suck on a chicken foot though.
Liang (my Chinese friend who went out with me today) said it would be better to buy the ring online because it would be much cheaper.  Well I couldn't argue with that and I did in fact a top to my hookah which was much cheaper than I expected but I couldn't really find a ring that I wanted, so I'll just have to keep looking.  Also I found out that it would be very strange to give Yiyi anything but cash at her wedding.  This made me a little sad because I wanted to get her a necklace or something.  But it's her wedding and I would rather her not feel awkward or anything because she's been having a pretty tough time recently.
For lunch Liang, Clement, and I went to a hot pot restaurant, which was fairly tasty.  Basically it's a giant pot of intense flavored soup with a hacked up chicken in it, and you then order some other vegetables or beef and throw it in there.  I would have loved it so much more if there wasn't a bone fragment in every bite, but that's just part of it I guess.  O I also tried to eat a chicken foot, Liang said that you just put it in your mouth and nipple on it and then just spit out the bone.  Well after about 40 seconds of it rolling around in my mouth I finally had a chicken toe nail scratch my mouth for the last time and I was done.  I TRIED!!
For the rest of the day I worked with Clement on our presentation which we gave in class today.  Kind of bummed that I had to spend my day off preparing for class (and going to it), really wished I could have spent more time outside… well ok it was raining but I could have at least had time to clean my room!
Class was a little boring I have to admit, I like our teacher (who's from Germany) a lot as a person but his teaching style is just a little boring.  He lectures instead of involving the class more and that of course just drives me nuts.  After an hour though it was time for our presentation and luckily I was in one of my "moods" so I didn't feel anxious or anything.  In fact I think Clement and I rocked it.
Our slides looked pretty good, and I think we did a good job of using energy in our presentation.  I will say though it might not be a great idea to slide across the floor when it's super slippery in the middle of a presentation… but I did it anyways.  I'll probably have a bruise tomorrow from where I fell.  ^_^  It was fun though and I think the teacher was glad that we put so much effort into making it interesting.
Hope everyone is doing well.

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