Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Under the Weather

Started at 2336 3/10/10

Well I found out why my bloody internet stopped working, apparently you have to buy prepaid cards, enter your China Telecom information etc. Luckily Tokkie had picked me up some prepaid cards so I just left work early to get them from her. I thought the problem had been solved until I dialed the number on the card and found out I have to have some magical account number that apparently isn’t in my possession. So now I have to go back to Tokkie tomorrow and find out what the hell is going on. I understand that they haven’t had an international student with the same setup as I do, but come on they didn’t tell any of the exchange students this and we’ve just had to figure it out. You figure this would be part of our orientation or something.

But I need to talk about work; it is after all the "official" reason for this blog. I left pretty early because I knew I would probably have to leave early so after my hour and half commute I got to a pretty much empty office. Luckily someone let me in and I got to have about an hour or so of peace and quiet. I spent most of the day just trying to find out information about the various markets out there, and also trying to understand our customer. I get individual users because I can image myself as one of them, I’m having a little bit more of a difficult time imaging myself as an entire department trying to decide whether or not to buy this product to then turn around and sell to someone else. But slowly and surely I’m getting the hang of it. Like I said before I’m kind of alone within the company, with just Niko (my boss) as my real guiding light. Don’t get me wrong everyone is very friendly and “Edward” has even become something a friend. There’s just no one else working on this particular project. This is probably for the best because it allows me optimum flexibility.

Which is why I’m super excited that I’m now able to work from home Wednesday and Thursday, hazzah! I’ll still go into the office Tuesday and Friday to meet up with Niko have our powwow secessions (Native American Indian term, basically means “meeting”), but at least I won’t have to make the hour and half long commute every day. Save me a ton of time and money.

After dinner I helped Filiz (aka German Girl) make a video for her boyfriend. Making a video can be a little frustrating, making a video on a German computer even more so. But we basically got it done except for some minor file conversion problems. We’ll wrap it up tomorrow so she can send it that evening.

Anyways I think the cold weather is finally getting to me, my throat isn’t very happy so I’m heading off to bed. At least I don’t have to wake up at a particular time tomorrow. Still have to work though.

Tootles (ya I’m man enough to say it)

Pic from our tour:

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