Saturday, March 13, 2010

Clubbin at Guandi's

This is a morning post at 730 3/13/2010

I wanted to post this before I got to eight hours of marketing which would promptly fry my brain.
So Nina, Cam, Luc and I went out clubbing last night at Guandi’s White Love Party. We met up with Sophie (a Chinese girl from my marketing class, she’s very sweet), some other Chinese guy who I never was really introduce too, and our Marketing Professor! Needless to say it was kind of… awkwardly awesome.

Anyways this was probably the most poorly designed club in the world. The entire place was almost nothing but lounges (which of course you had to pay extra money for) which left you nowhere to dance, but they played the music so loud that you couldn’t talk to the people you were sitting with even if you wanted to. Needless to say it wasn't really my kind of place.

BUT we made the best of it. There happened to be this stage at the front and early in the night (around 10ish) we just decided to go up there and shake our booty. I mean why not? No one else was dancing, and it was just getting boring standing around while people tried to get by you. So we all (including the Marketing professor) got up on the stage and danced for like 30 mins. We even had two cute Chinese girls join us. We had photographers come and take pictures of us (as soon as I can find them I’ll post them here). So even though it was kind of embarrassing being in front of the entire club, we at least had fun.

Sadly though we got tired and just decided to take a break. Well as soon as we did they put a guard at the entrance of the stage and forbid us to do it again. Typical, your customers are begging to dance (and by the end of the night there were a lot of people just trying to dance in the aisle) and they choose to ignore them. They should take out the first two rows of tables of open a little dance floor. But hey that’s just my opinion; I won’t be going back there so I guess it doesn’t matter.

I also learned a valuable lesson, do not accept help from the staff in the bathroom, they then insist that you tip and just wanting to get out of there I threw down the lowest bill I had, a 50RMB, which is like $7.30 so no big deal, but still. I walked Sophie (I need to learn how to spell her name because one of the French girls is also named Sophie and it could get really confusing) home at the end of the night, she seems really cool and hopefully she’ll join our group.

Off to marketing!

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