Saturday, March 20, 2010

Exploring with a Sushi Ending

22:30 3/20/10

I went to bed at 05:00, I was awake by 8 and got out of bed by 9. As soon as I have the money I’m seriously investing in a sleep therapist. Luckily that means I was able to finally get my text book, but still sleep would have been better.

Anyways I piddled away the morning and eventually around noon I decided that I didn’t come here to chill in my room and the city was just waiting to be investigated. Sadly I couldn’t find anyone else to go with me, either they were asleep or didn’t want to go out cause it might rain this afternoon. So alone but upbeat I set off.

My destination would be Zhongshan Park, which is a transfer station that I use every time I go to work. I had always gone there but never really got out and looked around. An hour later and I was going through a tunnel from the subway and found myself in a giant mall, we’re talking 9 floors of glory here people.
Starting at the top I find a treasure trove of kid toys and clothes. I actually poked around here for a bit because I was thinking of getting something for my room, you know nothing says professional adult like a badass action figure. My main goal was some cool Legos that I could play with but I didn’t really find any that struck my fancy.

And frankly neither did anything else in the mall. I guess I’m just picky when it comes to what I buy and I can’t bring myself to just buy stuff frivolously unless I know I really want it. In other words I’m not much of a spontaneous buyer.

So I’m working my way down the floor and suddenly I get to the bottom, well there I find another section of the mall that seems to go “outside” the area of the rest of the mall. I soon find myself wandering around for an hour in this semi-labyrinth of shops. There I found a little charm for my cell phone (for those who care and know it’s the emblem of Cloud from FF7, his wolf door knocker). It cost 28RMB ($4) so… ok well maybe I’m not thrifty I just don’t buy a lot.

Looks similar to this but a dirty gold color:

So this lasted till about 16:00 or so and I decided to call it a day, which at that point my feet were wholeheartedly agreeing with me. Around 19:30 I met up with most of the gang and a Chinese guy named “Chris”, who they had met on Friday while I was at work *sad face*, he was really cool and was a great addition to the group; anyways we went out and got SUSHI!! Whooo…. I hate fish. It was all fine though, they had some meat I could order and I got some great steak with NO BONES (meat without bones is super rare hear), I also ordered a small bowl of “roman” but instead of the normal awesome broth it was in this weird milky looking liquid. O I also shared a giant ice cream fruit sunday with Sandra and it was super yummy.

What did actually suck was the service. First off it would take like 15 – 20 minutes to get our food, and it’s not like you’re actually cook anything, yes yes I understand sushi is an art and all that jazz but honestly I also know it doesn’t take that long. But was the worse was the cluster f---k that was our bill. I didn’t time it but it had to be close to 45 minutes to get our bill all sorted out and then they didn’t have enough change for everyone so we had to settle it amongst ourselves. Honestly if we’re going to pay for your over priced food (and my meal alone was 80RMB + which is really expensive).

Anyways it was still a lot of fun hanging out with everyone but now I’m super tired and I off to b—ZZZZzzzzZZzzzz…

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