Friday, March 19, 2010

Done With First Project and Out to Club Sky

While this is posted on the blog as the 19th it’s really 0348 3/20/10

So today I had to wait to go to work till I could ask the library to print me a text book. That’s right we don’t buy text books here, we make copies. It’s legit. Of course when Clement went to pick it up for me (much appreciated) they had copied the wrong book, but he talked them into having it ready by tomorrow so hopefully it’ll be right this time.

After that little party I went to work, where we rolled out the new webpage for the product I was on. Basically this webpage was my baby:

I’m not saying it’s perfect but it’s the first one I’ve ever done. Let me clarify that, I didn’t do the HTML I just provided the content for the page with my boss Niko as the editor. Also the datasheet that you should be able to download at the bottom of the page (might not be available till Monday) is also mine. Anyways so that projects done, and the rest of the day was spent doing market research for our big project that we’re rolling out. I’m pretty much done with phase one of the research and I’m just waiting for some e-mail to be answered and organizing my data.

After work I met up with Dr. McDaniel from Hendrix College who was here giving a speech. He took me out to dinner where we talked about what I had been doing etc. He seemed pretty happy with how things were turning out and he might even be reading this right now (hello!).

Then the gang, minus Sandra whose foot was hurting, went out to the club. Sadly the club was like the other one we visited that had almost all tables. BUT this one did have a small stage and as the night went on they started move tables so people could dance. I had actually left because I just was so bored, and didn’t really want to just stand around and drink. I found the subway (which I was thinking about taking home) but it had closed which prompts me to wonder when their exact time it is that they actually close (handy bit of info).
So instead I hung out outside of this club which had some chairs to lounge on and just people watched. I found it super funny when these kids who couldn’t have been more then maybe 14-16 tried to get into the club and the door guards immediately turned them away. They were trying so hard to just play it off that I started laughing super hard.  Something makes me think they didn't appreciate that.

Eventually Clement sent me a text saying that it had picked up and I should come back in. Glad he did because it had finally livened up a bit and we shook our booties for about 3 1/2. We of course stole this pedestal where we climbed up and dance in front of everyone. Attention whores? Yes a bit.

I also observed these two girls; one of them was being constantly hit on by this guy with her friend running interference between them. Well I like to think of myself as the protective type and so I thought this was super sweet and instead of the usual “Golly gosh I think your pretty” cliché I figured I would just simply tell her I thought it was sweet and leave it at that. So I typed it up on my phone and handed it to her, then took it back, and my friends decided it was time to leave once I rejoined them. So we did.

We did see them once more in the store cause Sophie needed some water but she seemed to be really embarrassed (or disgusted, you know those two feelings are very similar) and she kind of hid behind the isles. I firmly believe the world would be a better place if we gave more sincere compliments to others, and tonight I did my part.

end of story.

Feel kind of bad, all my stories are really anti-climatic.

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