Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Expats on the Sub, Trang Evil and Marketing Final

2133 3-16-10

So today going to work I decided to take Line 3 -> Line 2, instead of taking Line 1 -> Line 4 -> Line 2, even though it’s technically longer to do it this way it saved me about 30min of travel time… my life is average.

But on top of that I worked on website design for the whole day, the project is going very well and we should be finished ahead of schedule. Which compared to my last internship is like Santa coming to visit me, having an Alzheimer moment and coming back to give me a 2nd round of presents! Tomorrow I’ll finish up the data sheet, and with any luck begin the next research project the following day.

I got side tracked though for about an hour by Booz’s diabolical girlfriend Trang. She was like, “Hello” and that was just the tip of her evil manipulative iceberg. In the end I think she threatened to physically harm me at least twice. I also found out that she is super easy to make fun of, three rounds of presents in the same day, hazzah!!

I also want to say that I’m very disappointed in Booz at the moment. Trang merely mentioned to me that Booz told her I was “touchy.” Touchy good sir, TOUCHY!? If you can’t at least describe me as “lecherous” then I owe you an apology, I have failed you as a friend.

But moving on.

I had to leave work early to get back to study for the marketing final today, but on the way back I saw a stunning number of expats (about 6 or so), which is rare because my work is quite a bit outside of main Shanghai. One I know was English because he had a pretty good accent and I enjoyed hearing him talk on the phone.

Once I got back on campus I studied for a bit and then got some dinner with the Frenchies. The test wasn’t really that bad, my main problem in the class has been I’m thinking from a strategic business point of view and not really from a “marketing” point of view. There were 4 questions and he said I did really well on two, but not as well on the others. Not too worried though because a large portion of our grades comes from class participation, which I think I did fairly well on. We’ll just have to see.

Sadly my cough is still persistent. I feel perfectly find, I just cough a lot. My temperature is consistently staying in the 98F range so I’m not worried, just annoying more than anything else.

Any ways that’s all for today.

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