Tuesday, March 9, 2010

First Day of Work!

Starting this post around 1730 on 3/9/10 but it’ll probably have to be finished after class
So today was my first day of work!  It took me over an hour an half though to get there.   And the weather outside was raining and insanely windy.
Best idea of the day = buying a hot loaf of wheat raisin almond bread, insanely good.  About a $1.20.
Luckily I didn’t have much problem finding the office so it wasn’t like I was lost, wet and cold.
The first thing we did was have a general meeting about what they do, what they sell, and what my role will be within the company.  I can’t go into full details because there’s a non-disclosure agreement I signed but it’s actually pretty cool.  In fact I won’t be doing any programming what so ever (score!).  I’ll be taking a newly developed product and researching where, and how to sell it.  This will include everything from market research, too strategic marketing.  Needless to say I’m super excited.  The only thing that kind of sucks is that it is an insanely niche market.  O well, if it was easy someone else would probably has done it.
Everyone seems very nice, and Niko my boss is pretty cool.  I think I’ve been blessed by the “good boss” god.  Sadly he’s only in the office Tuesday and Friday.  I’ve also told them I won’t be in on Mondays.  This potentially gives me a three day weekend when I don’t have MBA classes.  And if the classes are starting to pile up I can also work from home.
Luckily after work it was done raining…. Instead it had started snowing!!  No not normal snow, Horizontal Snow.  The wind was so strong I was numb in 5 min and the snow was coming down in near horizontal lines.  I had thought the coldest it would get would be around 50F, so I’m an insanely unprepared.  O well hopefully after this week it should start warming.
O so my internet is down so I have to post this during a break in class.  Hopefully it’ll be fixed soon, but if I’m slow to respond that’s why.  Anyways this post will have to be kind of short.  Sorry, I'm sure you're crushed.

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