Monday, March 22, 2010

Sandra's is Sick :(

21:48 3/22/10

Well today was "interesting" if nothing else, though having nothing to do with Shanghai.

Started off normal enough, really just cleaning for most of the morning, my cough was much better (and still is though it’s started to come back about an hour ago). I went out and bought another computer mouse cause the one I got with Shane was just driving me crazy because the middle scroll wheel was spastic <--- Like what I did there? I thought it was clever.

I also picked up some candy for our cleaning lady, there are just certain people that are good to have on your side, the lady that cleans up after you is one of those people. Plus she works super hard.  She might have hated the candy I gave her but hopefully "it's the thought that counts" crosses cultural boundaries.

After lunch I went back to the electronic mall to get them to fix my MP3 player… they just stuck a pin it and reset it, there are times I fail as a geek. BUT not to worry I got home it really freaked out on my and now the hard drive is corrupted. My job here is done. On Wednesday I’ll have to go back and return it, joy.

Once I got back I talked to Trang for a bit, who got me thinking about old lovers in a way that I hadn’t pondered in ages. It was good to reflect upon, and I tried to pass on what little advice I had gathered from my encounters to her. It’s nice to see that Booz and Trang seem to have a healthy relationship, I wish them the best.

While that was going on the House passed the national health care reform, now all that’s left is for Obama to decide whether or not to sign it into law, HMMMMMMMMMM I wonder what he’ll do?? :P Honestly I’ve kind of stayed out of the Healthcare arena, I don’t really know the playing field, nor how the system really works, and at the moment it has little affect on my day to day life. In other words all I have is a belief and not a opinion, and I try to keep beliefs to myself. I will say this though; I wish people would stop bringing up trivial or fictional bullshit. Death panels, flag pins, birth certificates, notes on your hand, reading your speeches, funny names, etc. all slow down and reduce productive political dialoged (…ok that might be a stretch, but still) into inane crap that sidelines real discussion. People should care more about debating the issue, and less about “winning at all costs.” If you honestly can’t understand the other side’s point of view, and at least in some way see how they could possibly be right, then please shut up, and listen you might just learn something. This crosses political aisles, stopping thinking "o ya those other guys do this all the time" your party is just as guilty, man up and squash those people in your own party.

From here on out my day got kind of depressing. Sandra is pretty sick. We’ve all been sick a little bit, some worse than others, kind of to be expected, massive changes in diet, environment, and weather will do that to you, Sandra just had some preexisting conditions that were compounded upon. I won’t go into real details but she’s afflicted by multiple illnesses, but no matter how many times we asked her what we could do for her she always refused. So in short none of us knew just how bad she had gotten. Well it all came crashing down when she went to the doctor, she finally made it back ok but we were pretty worried. There was even talk of her going home, but the doctor gave her medicine that should allow her to stay until she can get back to France and get the real treatment that she needs.

I'm kind of mad that she never accepted my offer for help and even lied to me about eating.  One thing that I don’t handle well is feeling helpless when one of my friends is in need, but in this situation I’m in the least position to help her. She has plenty of friends that understand her situation better than I do, can relate and empathize better than I can, closer to her than I am and can also better communicate with her better than I can. This frustrates me to no end. (I came close to teaching you a Chinese cuss word, but thought better of it, maybe I am changing… nah just tired)

Anyways I’m off to bed, I’ve been sulking for awhile, and it has become just pathetic.

Update: Was making tea right before bed (in case I got thirsty or started coughing during the night) and in the process I sterilized my left thumb with boiling water.  FML

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