Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Political musings 1

Per request:

So this post is kind of outside the normal posting loop of day to day life, and it's just rant more or less.  To many it's kind of interesting because I hardly ever just come out and say my opinion on politics, I prefer to let someone else state their opinions and for me just to play devil's advocate (this basically means to take the counter-position in an argument, I do this to better flush out ideas in order to refine my own opinions).  Jeff has born the brunt of this habit. :)

The hardest part of course is just where to begin and what to cover.

For the Chinese Information Bureau (or the equivalent there of) feel free to censor my blog, I certainly mean no disrespect towards China, and am really enjoying my time here.  Hopefully you won't feel the need to censor anything but if you do would you mind just putting a little notice where you deleted or edited something just so I know, maybe something like 打酱油.  Thanks, that would be super.

America and Religion
 As an atheist it's rather ironic that one of my favorite things to discuss is religion, and especially its effects on politics.  Now if you're religious, please at least allow me to say before you tune me out that I have actually no problem with people's personal religions.  It is my belief (and this is one of the view times where I use that word correctly) that everyone should seek self improvement, and however you get there is generally fine by me.  I personally find logical self reflection as well as writing to be a great way of coming to terms with who I am and how I can become a better person.  If you yourself prefer to go along this journey with the help of a religion to be your guiding light, all the more power to you.

Where I begin to get a little... maybe the term "antsy" (this mean uncomfortable or wanting to fidget a lot) is correct is when people's personal religion is then bound and confined by a major group, such as Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, etc.  Now if these organizations stayed away from each other that might be dandy (this means ok) but quite frankly almost all of them have this little clause in them "if you believe and follow our teaching eternal happiness awaits you, if you don't believe our teachings you will suffer for all eternity" or something to that effect.  I have a serious problem with this, especially in Christianity (simply because this is the religion that I'm constantly surrounded by).  In my opinion this is just down right sick.  Please do not tell me your religion is a religion of love and peace and then have some small text at the bottom that says "as long as you think and believe just as I do", this can only breed hate, mistrust, and "holier-then-though-ness" (if that's not a word it should be).  If your religion feels the need to have some sort of "judge and verdict" system that's fine, but have it reflect how one treats other people, and what they've decided to do with their life, not whether or not they believe in the same thing as you do, ie worship an entity that you have no way proving exists.  That's just silly.

"Wow Kevin tell us what you really think."

 Don't worry I will.

This especially comes into play with politics.  Debating, arguing, and passing laws is all fine and dandy, but the people have a general trust in our officials that they are making these policies because there is a logical and sound reason to implement them.  Basing a policy on the fact that "your god said so" is bullshit and is one of the lowest forms of reasoning, if not the lowest.  The policies or political positions that specifically come to mind are anti-gay marriage (or "unions" if you would prefer that term), teaching creationism, tax exclusion for religious institutes, any form of a "holy war", and prayer lead school services.  Now I realize these are all pretty broad and if someone wants me to really expound on one just let me know and I'll try and do so.

"What about abortions!?"

The government shouldn't have the right to tell you what you can or can not do with your body, and do to our male centered culture I think this should be particularly strong for women.  But I think taking an anti-abortion stance can be logically justified if one wished to do so, for instance when does "life" start.  I myself would be rather sad if this was used as a constant form of birth control just because of the physical and mental toll that could take on someone, but that's someone's choice.

Alright my time here is up, I know I didn't go into much detail, and only painted broad strokes, but it's kind of a wide topic to suddenly narrow down on.  I may go more in depth as to why I'm atheist or more secular discussion on politics (mainly American) in other posts, but right now I have to get to work.


  1. 打酱油..... punch the soy sauce? lol

  2. Actually it's actually "to buy soy sauce" which is a Chinese expression for "mind your own business", I swear.
