Thursday, March 18, 2010

Surfing the Internet

2110 3-18-10

Man what did happen today? Felt like I just sat around all day doing research, scrolling through internet pages looking for very specific pieces of information.

I did sleep in a little (till like 7:30) but was rudely awaked by what sounded like somebody carpet bombing Shanghai! In ended up being only a massive amount of fireworks going off like a mile away but still, what the hell, who sets off a ton of fireworks in the morning and you could literally see a cloud forming from all the smoke drifting across the city.

Met up with most of the gang for lunch at least and had Sandra, Clement, and Cam over for a little R&R before they had to get back to studying and I had hit the internet again in search of those little nuggets of information. Later in the afternoon Clement and I went out walking and picked up basic supplies. Stuff I merely got some coke and some cinnamon clip thingys.

Before dinner we watched a video of Sandra’s sexy dancing on stage from last night! Needless to say it was awesome. Then after dinner Sandra got me the boiler so that I could boil water in order to help my coughing, thanks a bunch I’m enjoying some hot water as I write.

Anyways tomorrow I actually go into the office which means I won’t get to join the others when they go shopping which really sucks. O well I’ll join them in the evening before we go out and party. Something tells me when I get back to Hendrix I’m going to be bored out of my mind. Price to pay it seems.


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