Thursday, March 11, 2010

Working at Home

Capitan’s log star-date 3/11/10 2200

Today was my first day working at home, which I must admit was pretty nice. It was actually a rather pretty day out, still a bit cold, but at least the sun was out. Was kind of sad that I couldn’t spend it outside with my friends (they were all hanging out by the Mao statue in the middle of campus) but at least I didn’t have two spend three hours of my life commuting.

I will admit it made it harder to get work done. I’m still trying to figure out the business and understand who it is exactly that I’m trying to market too. Which translates into not having much direction, and we always have better things to do then floundering about. Still I managed to look into the industry, read literature, get an e-mail sent off (I know, very impressive), and look into the South African market. Tomorrow I’ll go into the office to meet up with Niko and hopefully we can come to a better understand as to what exactly I should be doing.
Did I mention I was sick? Just some hacking and coughing but enough to be annoying, another reason why I’m glad I don’t have to commute. With some good sleep and meds I might feel better tomorrow, we’ll just have to see.

During the day I also helped finish Filiz’s video to her boyfriend for his boyfriend, I think it turned out rather well for a quickly thrown together video. We went out to lunch and ended up talking about relationships (seems like when I’m single that topic somehow always crops up, I have a feeling I do it subconsciously). As someone that’s older than me, 24, she said to just give it time, she said what she looks for in guys changed over time and it’s how most girls are. Essentially that translates to me as “you’re the type a girl marries, not dates”, super. If a German and a French girl give you the same advice, or insight, does that mean it must be true? ^_^ (joking)

Enough moping though I’m really not that down, just mainly pondering, I almost always do this when I’m single. On the upside we’re going partying tomorrow night (not to late though cause we have class in the morning), so that’ll be fun. My marketing class was also good. He gave us a pretty interesting case study question and I need to really start thinking about it.

Alright I need to get some sleep I want to be well rested for work tomorrow, got to put on that crumpled up thinking cap I hid in the back of my suite case.

Substitute Lieutenant Twice-demoted Marginalized and Slightly Deranged Captain,
Signing off

O ya here’s a pic of the tub/bowl I just bought in order to transport my clothes from the wash machine to my room, it’s pretty much the most ballin thing I own in my room.

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