Saturday, May 29, 2010

IBE Presentations (Class 4)

2112 5-29-10

Well today was the day of class presentations, a full day of pppprrrrreeeessssseeeennnntttaaattttiiioooonnnsss.

I mean don't get me wrong one or two of them were interesting, but come on 6 hours of 30-45 min presentations?  And of course my group was last (I dislike being the last to present) so by the time we got up there I was already tired before I began.  Luckily the whole thing went fairly well, we had some minor problems but overall it didn't blow up and after this week that's a miracle in and of its self.

I will say for my part I made some mistakes which mainly manifested itself during the Q&A session.  I had little patience left after at this point (we learned about this in psychology about how your restraint/patience is like special thing in your brain that can actually get literally tired, wish I could remember the name) and so I simply didn't maintain full control of myself like I should have. 

First off I sat on the edge of the table which my teacher later explained was a sign of superiority in a Chinese setting.  As if I didn't have enough problems with that the questions were addressed to me which transformed into a conversation with me instead of me redirecting it back to the team.  I also got a bit defensive when one of the questioners told me I said something I didn't.  Things I simply need to work on.  I did think I handle some of the questions quite well, one of the students actually worked within the book selling realm and so he was grilling me pretty hard.

Overall I was rather pleased though by the Q&A sessions with each group, usually students hardly ever talk but for some reason today people were really engaging in the discussion.

Anywho that essentially consumed the entire day.  Have a good one.

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