Wednesday, May 26, 2010


2004 5-26-10

Wow, what do you say about a day like today?  So much wonder and splendor!

First thing, get this, I rolled out of bed.  Well not really rolled, more like I kind of just sat up and swung my feet on to the ground but still.  I mean think of it, all that stuff happening, and then BAM I'm standing up, all squinty eyed, wondering why the cursed sun is so bright.

Then, oh man then, I turned on my computer!!  Well "turn on" might be a bit of a stretch, kind of jiggled the mouse a little bit to make it come out of hibernation mode.  But we're getting caught up into the details.  Suddenly I was on my computer doing things, and like lookin at stuff.  Well that happened for awhile, kind of got up moved around some, nibbled on some food and such.  Next thing you know and WOW I'm sitting right here just typing away.  Simply fascinating.

Are you keeping these?  You really should.  Print them out, laminate them, seal them into an air tight container.  These writings will be the stuff of legends!!!

P.S.  Booked my father and I's plane tickets, wohoo.

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