Sunday, May 30, 2010

IBE Class 5 and a Walk around the French Concession

2321 5-30-10

You ever have those split second decisions you make that you really wish you could do over again?  Well I had one of those about an hour ago.  Small little thing decision, just bought a new water bottle and was using it for the first time so one of the things I like to do is turn it upside down to see if it leaks, usually this is never really a problem because even if it does leak it usually only a little bit but this time POP!  The highly pressurized boiling water causes the lid to slightly uncover letting out a nice gush of steam and water, all of which leads me to having a nice 3rd degree burn just right of the center of my right thumb.  Mega sad face ladies and gentlemen, I like my thumbs and I get rather cross when they get injured.

But besides that they day was pretty good.  For one thing I finished up my IBE class, well all except for the final paper but that shouldn't be TOO bad, though I would like it to be good, our professor could possibly be a rather good contact.  He'll actually be speaking in Little Rock, AR around mid-September and I invited him to dinner so it would be nice if he didn't think of me as the kid with the shitty essay.  Quick plug for him, his name is Allen Kupetz and he wrote the book The Future of Less.  He gave us a nice little video in class called The Social Media Revolution.  Hopefully that link is correct it's a little hard to make sure since youtube is blocked.  Watch it, it's good.

That reminds me I need to start making a list of every company I would like to have hire me, McKinsey, Bain, BCG, Robot Entertainment, Blizzard, etc.  I really just want to get into too corporate strategy and while I would prefer consulting or interactive entertainment industry, I'm certainly open to every opportunity.  Cause come September I'm going to start (more like re-start) pouring massive amounts of energy into getting interviews.  Feel free to let me know if you have any ideas or contacts, which would be super.

Oh anyways back on China I also went exploring today and wound up in this area with a super high amount of white people, and by white people I mean white males with Asian wives or girlfriends.  Ended up stopping one chap and asking him what that was all about and he explained that I was actually in the French Concession.  Kind of surprised me because I never thought that part of town was so close to where I lived, I mean I've been here before but always by taxi so I never really knew where it was in relation to the rest of the city.  Anyways I walked for about 2 or 3 hours around the area and it's quite pretty.  Really sad I didn't have my camera with me because I stumbled across the wonderful sculpture garden with some really interesting pieces in it.  I guess that'll teach me.

Let's see what else went on today… wrapping up the HR essay I guess is the only other thing.  My part is mainly done just doing a bit of editing for Clement who's putting the finishing touches on it.

Nighty night.

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