Thursday, May 13, 2010


2334 5/13/10

Kiddies I have Work in the morning, so even though I would really like to give you the details of the day, I'm going to skip ahead to the main event.

I went on a date, kind of.  More like a "see if you're an actual person outing."

I've kind of left out a few details about this week.  Remember Jing?  That strange Chinese girl that sent me a random message one day and we've begun talking?  Well it just so happens that she has two other roommates and one of them is looking for a boyfriend, her name is Han Lin (almost sounds like "honey").   So Yiyi had planned on meeting today in Pudong which is where she also lives and we decided to ask her to join us.

Yiyi was practically jumping out of her seat she was so excited.  Something about getting to pass judgment on her little brother's blind date got her all in a tither.  As usual I was pretty apathetic about it; I prefer not to get my hopes up about these kinds of things.  The secret to happiness is low expectations and all that.  Until I got her phone call telling me she was on her way, and she sounded really sweet.  Then I got a little excited, I like sweet things.

So we sat and talked for awhile, she wasn't really hungry yet so we just grabbed a drink at KFC and talked.  Eventually it was time for Yiyi to go and we were joined by one of Han Li's friends Ting Ting (I believe that's how you spell the name, I could be wrong).  We eventually decided to go to Century Avenue, and ordered some hot pots.  It was all pretty good but they ordered too much food (which I ended up paying 324RMB for, thank you very much, but that's only like $50)!  They were interesting but I had a hard time keeping the conversation flowing because I haven't been sleeping well and am pretty tired.

Anyways so I'm not sure exactly how she feels about the whole thing, we'll see if there is a second date, preferably one-on-one.

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