Sunday, May 9, 2010

Being Back is Weird

2210 5-9-10
Well I'm back, and I got to say it's so nice to be able to type my blog again.  Trying to write my blog by hand while backpacking across China is really time consuming, inconvenience, and difficult.  BUT no worries I did it.  Now I have 38 pages that I need to type up and post.  Not to mention 100s of pictures that I have to somehow pump through the Chinese internet connection.  More than likely I'll only post a few of them and upload the rest when I get back from the States.  Anyways it may take me a few days but hopefully I'll get most of the posted put up tomorrow.
Today I felt pretty weird.  After being gone for nine days, never really knowing how you're going to get from point a to point b nor what conditions you'll be sleeping in the next day, then coming back to the highly developed Shanghai, and being able to sleep on your own bed in your own bed with no one around puts you off a little bit.  I think that's all I'm going to say about the trip for now, wouldn't want to ruin it for you, obviously you already know the ending, I'm ok with no real injuries… OR AM I?? DON DON DONNNNNNNNN!!!!
I was expecting to see Yiyi today, but she just got in this morning as well and was sleeping most of the day, we've made plans for tomorrow.  So for most of the day I just kind of hung out, trying to put my affairs back in order, e-mailing people, replying to people's messages on Facebook, etc.  Watched a few anime episodes which was rather relaxing.  Got some lunch at the canteen, but didn't really hang out with anyone, after being constantly around people for the over a week being alone was a welcome relief.
Umm anyways that's it.

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