Thursday, May 20, 2010

Starting Our HR Essay

2008 5-20-10

Man, right as I'm about to write this post my black bracelet I bought in Guilin just broke.   Really bums me out.

So today was mainly spent watching Doctor Who, working on the Company Introduction, and beginning to work on Clement and I's HR essay.  Our essay will take a more detailed look at the presentation we gave in class over the start of Human Resource Management, which was essentially Taylorism and later on the works of Mayo.  After my 85 in Marketing (I was not happy about that) I really want us to knock this essay out of the park.  Our presentation was really strong so hopefully we won't botch it when we turn in this essay.

Oh I also decided to drop the course Philosophy for the Mind and instead add a graduate level Econ course called Managerial Economics.  Honestly both courses are bad decisions because more than likely I won't make an A in either course, the philosophy course was a senior level course and I've only taken one philosophy course and the graduate level econ course is math heavy.  It would probably be better for me to take an easy course instead, one that'll allow me to focus on my other courses and get an easy A.  But honestly what's the point of going to college if you're just going to play it safe.  Ya I want a good job when I get out, but I would rather have a better education.  I may change my tune when graduation roles around and I'm jobless but I'm going to stick to my guns for as long as I can.

I ate a lot of bananas today, like three and a bag of dehydrated banana chips as well.

That's it.  Good night.


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