Friday, February 26, 2010

Preped and ready, just need to wrap it all up

Dear Internet,

Well I'm gonna be out of here soon, like Sunday soon.

I now feel confident in saying that I am fully stocked and prepared for my trip. I have all of my supplies assembled from laptop and socks, to toothpaste and deodorant. Doing my last load of laundry as we speak.

All I've got to do now is assemble everything into a suitcase and backpack.

*roar from the crowds*
"O Kevin how are you going to fit 5 months worth of stuff into only a suitcase and backpack!?"
"Your packing skills must be truly top notch!!"
"I wish I could be like you."
"Your face looks funny."
"The way you type is kind of on the wrong side of dyslexic."
*/roar from the crowds*

Calm down, calm down, I realize that it's not a lot of space but quite honestly I'm not taking that much. For instance I'm just taking a week and halves worth of clothes. The reason is because I don't want to transport it, I don't know how much space I'll have, nor am I 100% on how the weather will feel. So essentially I'm taking the stance that I'm going to one of the largest cities in the world, I'm pretty confident I can find what I need.

"But China isn't America!!"

Yes I realize that over half their population isn't obese but I feel pretty confident I can find something that will fit my fat ass, or if not I'll just have it custom made.

Switching gears my actual concerns lay in the classes I'll be taking and how I'm going to get to and from work every day.

Classes: For instance, I have no idea what classes I'll be taking. In fact I have no idea what's even been offered. The most info I've been given (despite repeatedly asking them for more) is a sheet of paper that has a list of classes that we're offered before. So I have no idea what classes I can take, what their time schedule will be, or how hard they'll be. These are MBA classes, so how many should I take? Will taking 3 completely overwhelm me to the point where I crawl into a small gutter and have a mental break down, or is taking 5 going to put me in a trance of eternal boredom? Who knows, just going to have to figure it out when I get there. On top of all of this the university there wants me to take Chinese classes.

"That sounds reasonable to me, do you want to stay in a perpetual state of typical American ignorance or something?"

No, I really would rather not. BUT here's the skinny. These classes are not just twice a week for a few hours, they told me they were going to be for HALF A DAY, FIVE DAYS A WEEK. Well that's just all fine in dandy if I knew that from the beginning but it wasn't till late last fall when they told me I would be doing this. That's a year after I was accepted into the program. I've already made commitments with a company to work as an intern while I'm in Shanghai. On top of that my school is paying me to do so! So how much does keeping my ignorance save me? Thousands. Sorry, I know I'm going to have some drama over this, but hopefully they'll understand.

Getting to work: So my employer and I have been looking at the best way for me to get there from my school. If I had a car the total time would be about 15-18 min. But by train or bus we're looking at well over 40mins! Well when you're only going to be working for 4-5 hours a day, two hours of travel once it's all said and done it's quite a bit!

Well I think that's all I really want to talk about today, if there's more I'll post it tomorrow or Saturday. For some reason I feel the blog posts before the trip are just as important as the posts before, kind of like a bench mark for how I think now. That way I can look back and laugh at my unpreparedness.

Thanks for your time Internet. I know you have a lot of things to read out there, and I appreciate the time you're to read my ramblings.

P.S. I'm slightly loopy in the head, AND my great grandmother is a player, just so you know.

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