Sunday, February 28, 2010

Last Day in Dallas

Note: Probably not going to be as... "interesting" as the last two posts, just don't feel like it today.

The problem with preparing ahead is it makes the time right around the end extremely boring. Instead of having packing and such to keep me busy, I just get to sit around and wait.

Went to a party last night to celebrate a friend of mine's birthday. Had a good time, I tend to not be much of a party person but this was actually rather entertaining. Her boyfriend had set up a photo shot area and we had a blast shooting about 200 or so photos. Maybe some of them will show up on facebook, maybe not, who knows. Met a cute girl there as well with these adorable blue glasses, studying to be a costume designer all that, but alas with China, Hendrix, and consulting in the future it was not meant to be; enjoyed her company none the less.

Anywho going to have dinner with the fam tonight, my mother is finally getting back from Florida so I at least get to see her for one night before I'm shipped off. For some reason it reminds me how much I'm going to miss hanging out with my friends this summer. O well at least Booz is coming to China for the summer so we should be able to meet up for at least a week or something.

On a side note away from travel. I'm a very curious person, always wondering why things are the way they are, this is especially true when it comes to people's thoughts and actions. Which is probably why I like to argue/debate so much, finding out why people think the way they do and challenging them to critical to their own opinions is fascinating to me. And this becomes doubly important when dealing with myself. I'm a constant curiosity to me (though rather boring to most other people I freely admit).

The reason for the explanation is because I wanted to relook at the Myers-Briggs personality test that I did last year, just for chuckles. Anyways I then found a corresponding test that basically takes your type from the M-B test and places you in the Keirsey Temperament Sorter. And low and behold guess what my temperament is... Mastermind.

The accuracy of this description is rather scary, and on top of that a lot of my favorite people from history such as Nietzsche, Peter the Great, and Newton were supposedly this same type. What was also kind of cool was that I just started really getting into Nietzsche about two months ago.

Anyways the reason why I'm so... excited might be to strong, but at least energetically interested in this is because it gives me some sort of weird validation for how I think and my personality. And since the "Mastermind" temperament is found in only about 1% of the population it kind of explains why it's so hard for me to find other people that think the same way.

Well that's my sharing for the day, sorry it was so self centered, but I guess it is a blog.


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