Thursday, January 21, 2010

First Post (what else would I call it?)


...glad we got that out of the way.

Well I guess I should go ahead and get this little blog started. Yes yes I still have like a month before I ship out but honestly I just got bored. I probably won't be updating very often till I'm closer to leaving. I know your devastated, but no worries my little ramblings will pour forth like an ocean of small puppies once I get over there (unless I'm actually enjoying myself, then I probably won't be spending much time telling you about it). ^_^

A note from me:
I misspell, misuse, mis-gramatizes things all the time. I know this, you know this, I'll even pretend I do it on purpose, lets move on. Yes Booz, I know you'll point it out anyways.

On to the actual post!


So I've been slowly starting to gather supplies for my adventure.
  • I have about 10 books or so about China on various topics from maps, to restaurant guides, culture exploration, and doing business.
  • I've also been reading Chinese news and current events just about everyday. This mainly comes from chinaSMACK but I also pull sources from CNN and other sites I stumble upon.
  • I have acquired "means" by which to continue this blog even once I'm over the Great Chinese Firewall.
  • I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed today so I won't have any dental problems once I'm there.
  • I have contemplated trying to continue learning Chinese. :P Sorry foreign languages are like trying to teach a dolphin to make soufflé, not going to happen. BUT I will start to learn, I promise.
Well I guess I'm off, I need to get dressed (o yes I'm naked... kind of) and look up a map so I know where to go to get my teeth cut out of my skull.

再见 <- Chinese, man I'm good